Tuesday, March 23, 2010

it's just a memories . it's already end . but i'm glad u're never try to forget me ,

dia beli myvi putih .
gila aku tersentak

"apit, kalo apit jadik beli keta tuh , make it pearl white, SE auto. senang acik nk bwak , "

aku ckap kt dia bnda tuh .. dh lama . lama sgt2 , and bru2 nie dia text aku .

"acik . nnt jom pi tgok wayang . apit nk tnjuk 121 apit yg baru . "

"aha . myvi putih la tuh .. kan kan .. "

" mcm mna acik tau ? are you stalking me ?? "

" your ex gf is a good stalker !! "

kita da end of story . tapi apit still cuba dapatkan suma yg acik suka . plat 121 . myvi putih . auto .
sayang . kite dah xde pape . btw thanks so much . sbb tak pernah lupakan acik .
but but but . i miss our Kawasaki (RR) PHN 121 . bg free kat org cmtuh je .. ntah sape la mnusia yg curik tuh kan ?

it's just a memory between u n me . and it's end now n forever .

thanks !